Autumn media studies

Another semester is coming up in about a week and groups of new students will appear. Planning for this autumn has been extensive and I look forward to give lectures in several different courses and disciplines. Here is an extract of what I will teach in the following months here at School of Arts & Communication at Malmö University.

Designing Communication Processes for Social Change

Interaction Design and Media

Graphic Design and Media


Media, Photography and Moving Images

Media Design 1

Visual Communication

Media landscape in transition

New Media, ICT and Development

Media and Globalization

Master Degree Project (Communication for Development)

Above teaching I conduct research on two fronts. The first is to complete two articles for peer review on transforming media ecologies, and the second is to (finally) complete two book projects (one monography and one anthology chapter). Above this I will try to post here on current issues, articles and research being made on media industry, technology, social change and development.